From the mail bag…

from From the mail bag…
by Stephanie

Mailbag animated

From the mail bag!

Dear Lady Ada and Phil,

Besides the great products for makers, enthusiastic customer support, and promises like no blinking Christmas trees, what makes me confident Adafruit will stay a cool company is something that didn’t even occur to you to promise. When you showed the Huzzah 8266 breakout board on new products, Lady Ada commented that she didn’t know why anyone would use the CC3000 with the 8266 available. Having watched travesties like the Intel 486SX, 60 MHz Pentium, and HP decide it was more profitable to sell crappy printers, I think it’s awesome that there is never a question whether you will produce the best product you can even if it competes with your existing products.

I’m looking forward to helping teach a STEM summer camp next month largely using Raspberry Pis and Adafruit sensors.


