Students make Star Wars themed 3D printing and electronics projects #3Dprinting #CircuitPython #Feather #CircuitPlaygroundExpress

from Students make Star Wars themed 3D printing and electronics projects #3Dprinting #CircuitPython #Feather #CircuitPlaygroundExpress
by Anne Barela

In the Adafruit Discord, middle school/high school teacher Daniel writes:

I’d like to show some Star Wars projects my students made for this semester. I’m finding it difficult to make the Wednesday night Show and Tell show due to family life, so forgive the forthcoming dump of photos. I teach high school 3D modeling and Middle School programming. I had a combined theme of Star Wars this semester. High School designed lightsaber hilts and 3D printed them. Middle School programmed the electronics (M4 Feather + Propwing) that went inside.

Middle School also made a bunch of Circuit Playground based Star Wars projects as well. (Everything is CircuitPython). We then showed everything off to the 3rd to 5th graders in a big Star Wars showcase.

Lightsabers designed in Blender. I wrote a Python script in Blender to form the base pommel, hilt, and blade holder. Students then designed their own lightsaber from there. Time of fun. Used both CP Express and some alpha CP Bluetooth.

Pictures from the post are below. Great job folks!! You too can join the Adafruit Discord – go to for more details.

