NES-Styled GameBoy Cart #3dThursday #3dPrinting #Nintendo #Gaming

from NES-Styled GameBoy Cart #3dThursday #3dPrinting #Nintendo #Gaming
by Anne Barela

You know when you get that bolt of lighting of an idea, that’s what happened when FacelessTech came up with the idea of making a Gameboy cart that looked like a NES cart.

I started by modeling a standard Gameboy cart, I just wanted to know what the minimum model that would fit the Gameboy cart PCB and fit into a Gameboy. After I got that working I moved on to modeling the NES parts. I needed to get some dimensions and to get things into perspective I took a l NES cart label into GIMP and scaled it so It would fit the Gameboy cart.

See details in the blog post, the model on Thingiverse, and files on GitHub.
