JP’s Product Pick of the Week — 4pm Eastern TODAY! 9/15/20 @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit #newproductpick

from JP’s Product Pick of the Week — 4pm Eastern TODAY! 9/15/20 @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit #newproductpick
by John Park

Holy Hatracks! — Here comes JP’s Product Pick of the Week! Are you ready?? Am I?!? The show airs at 4pm ET / 1pm PT, T O D A Y! LET’S. DO. THIS.

Tune in to see John Park’s latest product pick, learn how to use it, and enjoy the exciting unpredictability of the live demo! Will there be funky music? Yes. Will the funky music be manipulated in real time using a mysterious STEMMA QT sensor board? RIGHT AGAIN, chum.

Check out the livestream right here inside this product page, which is probably a humongous hint as to which product it’ll be, come to think of it. Enjoy!

The live video will also be on Youtube LIVE, Twitch, Periscope (Twitter) and Facebook. LIVE TEXT CHAT IS HERE in the Adafruit Discord chat! Come on into the chat to participate in the joy, explore your own important dance moves, and make jocular puns.

Every Tuesday @ 4pm ET/1pm PT!
