How to Make an Orbiting Time Lapse Rig #celebratephotography

from How to Make an Orbiting Time Lapse Rig #celebratephotography
by Stephanie

From makendo on Instructables:

Time-lapse footage of a build is interesting but the fixed viewpoint restricts how much detail gets seen. When you watch someone work on a project, you rarely stay in one spot – you move around to get a variety of angles on the scene. We don’t all have a tireless videographer around to simulate this, but with a few inexpensive components you can make an orbiting time lapse rig that generates compelling build videos like the one below (this is fellow AiR Alex Reed crafting some shoes).

Read more and see more from makend0 on YouTube


We #celebratephotography here at Adafruit every Saturday. From photographers of all levels to projects you have made or those that inspire you to make, we’re on it! Got a tip? Well, send it in!

If you’re interested in making your own project and need some gear, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to check out our Raspberry Pi accessories and our DIY cameras.
