Arkatechture’s Coffee and Popcorn Notifications #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

from Arkatechture’s Coffee and Popcorn Notifications #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi
by Stephanie


From Arkatechture’s blog via raspberry pi pod:

Well as a data company, we like to collect data, even from our coffee maker and popcorn machine.

The coffee maker is designed to begin brewing as soon as you close the reservoir lid. To detect brewing, we put a light sensor on the bottom of the lid so we can see when brewing begins, and the Raspberry Pi the sensor is connected to posts to our database on AWS.

In the same script on the Raspberry Pi that posts to the database, I added a POST to a custom Slack integration.

Now whenever we make coffee or popcorn everyone gets the memo!

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