Raspberry Pi Powered Roboter with Differential GPS @roboweek #NationalRoboticsWeek #RoboWeek

from Raspberry Pi Powered Roboter with Differential GPS @roboweek #NationalRoboticsWeek #RoboWeek
by Kelly

Adafruit national robotics week 2017 blog

In celebration of National Robotics Week, we encourage you to check out Big Rob – a robot built by Ingmar Stapel that’s featured on Hackster.io.

Custom build robots big rob raspberry pi robot s7c9Akv3F5

I setup a differential GPS system for my Raspberry Pi robot projects. I am using the RTK library for precise navigation. For the system I need a base station and a mobile unit. The mobile unit is built into my home made robot Big Rob. How the setup with a mobile unit, base station, two Raspberry Pi’s and the RTK library works is described in detail on my own blog.

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